We thought we’d dispel these common “urban myths” about volunteering in Scouting J

1.    You have to help every week
No, you don’t! Even as uninformed leaders, you don’t have to be able to make it every week.

2.    You have to go camping
No, you don’t! If camping is not your thing, you don’t have to.

3.    You have to go to every event or activity
No, you don’t! As many people know well, the key to everything is in the planning – so as long as it’s planned and there are enough suitable adults, you don’t need to go to everything.

4.    Scouting takes over your life
Only if you want it to! You can choose how much time you want to devote. So yes, some of us do decide to spend many hours every week, but equally, some people only choose to spare a few hours a year.

5.    Training takes up all your free time
No, it doesn’t! The training is now “NVQ” style. For some roles, only a few modules are needed; even if going into uniform, you have up to 3 years to complete all the training. Many modules involve a DVD and/or a workbook, so you don’t need to be involved in a course. Some modules can be signed off simply by showing what you already do at work or home. Even if courses are required, many are run in an evening, or perhaps several over a day. Courses are a great way to meet people who are in similar roles.

6.    I have other children, and they can’t come too
Yes, they can! Unless an event or activity is not suitable, bringing other children along—even to camps is usually possible.

7.    I can’t help until my children join
Oh yes, you can! Some of our adults have grown-up children, and some don’t have any children at all.

8.    I don’t want to go into uniform, so I can’t help
Oh yes, you can! There are lots of ways you can help.

9.    Everyone else would be much better than me
What makes you so sure? Just come along and see what’s involved.

10.    I’m too busy
Aren’t we all? Why not come and find out what’s involved and then decide J