All group members must make termly subscription payments, currently £45. These payments cover various expenses, such as Headquarters, County, and District membership fees, meeting night activities, and general operating costs like venue hire.

Subs should be paid within 3 weeks of the current term using Online Scout Manager. Failure to do so by the advertised deadline will result in the assumption that you no longer wish to remain in the Group.

Event payments

In addition to subscription payments, events such as camps, trips, and specific equipment or resources may incur additional costs. These costs are always communicated in advance during the event sign-up process.

Gift Aid

If you pay UK tax, please consider completing a Gift Aid declaration for subscription payments. This declaration allows the group to claim an extra 25 pence from the Inland Revenue for every £1 paid, maximizing the value of your contributions.

Payment system

All payments for subscriptions and events are managed through Online Scout Manager. Login details will be provided to all members for this purpose. Due to the direct debit setup, all payments will be automatically cancelled upon leaving.

If financial constraints are a concern, please get in touch with the Group Scout Leader to discuss possible assistance. The group follows a “Scouting For All” policy and aims to support members facing financial barriers through various means, such as fundraising and grants.

We appreciate your timely payments and commitment to the group’s activities and events.

As well as subs, we rely on Easyfundraing for extra donations that cost you no extra money