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Privacy Notice


We are the 224 North London Air Scouts. We take privacy very seriously and are committed to protecting and respecting our users’ privacy and data. This notice describes the personal data we collect, hold, and process regarding current, future, and past members and their parents/carers.

This notice complies with the General Data Protection Regulations. We may change this policy occasionally, so you should check it regularly.

If you have any queries or concerns regarding the data we hold and process, please get in touch with us using the form below by writing to us at The Scout Hut, Sheldon Avenue, London N6. Alternatively, you can raise a concern directly with the Information Commissioner’s Office at

Data Controller

224 North London Air Scouts is the data controller. The data is processed by 224 North London Air Scouts and The Scout Association.

Why do we collect personal data?

We, as a scout group, are committed to preparing more young people with skills for life, by delivering an inspiring programme. To achieve this, we have a legitimate interest in collecting personal data so that our leaders have all the information they need to deliver scouting activities safely and appropriately. The personal data can be for members, parents, carers, leaders or helpers.

What information do we collect?

In most cases, the information we hold is provided by the subjects themselves or by their parent or carer. We have details such as name, address, phone number, email address, IP address, date of birth, disabilities, health and dietary requirements. This information will include children’s personal and health information. We also have the following financial data: subscription payments, event payments, and gift aid statements.

Who do we share your information with?

We may share your data with other parts of The Scout Association and store it on Online Scout Manager, a tool we use to manage membership, subscriptions and the programme. We will not share your data with non-scouting individuals or organisations unless legally required or you ask us to do so.

How long do we hold your data?

Member details and those of their parent/carer are held until the member leaves the Scout Group. Details of ex-members may be held in anonymised form. Adult member details will be deleted or anonymised locally but remain held by the Scout Association for legal purposes.

How can I access the data you hold about me?

Individuals have the right to see the data held about them. We are also very happy to correct the data we hold. Please get in touch with us using the Contact Us page on our website ( or by writing to us at The Scout Hut, Sheldon Avenue, London N6

Charity details

224 North London Scouts is registered as a charity under the number 293195. It should be noted that all leaders and trustees are volunteers and, therefore, receive no payment of any kind

Simplified Privacy Notice for Children

If you are a member of the Scout Group, we keep some information about you and your family.

This is so that:

  • we can give you the best scouting that we can,
  • we can make sure we take account of any special needs you might have,
  • we can contact you or your family if we need to

If you are bothered about the information we are keeping, we suggest you first talk to your parents about it. You can also speak to any leader or contact us using our website.

You can always ask to see a copy of the information and check that it’s correct.