Like all sections, beavers wear a uniform each week, which consists of the following.

  • Beaver Tourquise Sweatshirt – for sewing on all those badges available from scout shops
  • Optional beaver polo shirt – we are currently looking at group ones for each section.
  • Scarf or Neckerchief: You will be supplied with the 224 North London Scarf once you are invested in the colony and learn your promise. The first one is provided by the group for free but if you lose it then extra ones will cost £7
  • School trousers and comfortable shoes – preferably black

Optional Accessories

As well as the uniform above u may wish to look at some of the optional accessories such as beaver baseball caps or hoodies

Where to Find Your Uniform:

The best place to get your uniform is the Scout Store online. You can also try your local school uniform shop.  If you need any help, ask one of our adult volunteers!

Need Help with Badges?

We’ve got a handy guide to help you sew on your badges. If you have any questions, we’re always happy to lend a helping paw!

We can’t wait to see you in your awesome Beaver uniform!