Below is the code of conduct that we came up with last term. 

Respect Leaders and Helpers

  •  We listen to our leaders, especially when they are speaking, and we listen to instructions from leaders and/or helpers.
  • Stop, look, and listen when leaders raise their hands or blow their
  • Put our hands up to ask and wait until we are asked to speak

Respect Each Other

  • We are friendly.
  • We are helpful (without being asked).
  • We are kind.
  • We are honest.
  • We respect others and ourselves.
  • We are safe.  If we accidentally hurt someone, we ensure they are ok and/or get help.
  • We look after property belonging to our cub pack and other people.
  • We do our best in all we do, play games fairly and never cheat.
  • We avoid violence. If someone is violent to us or someone else, we immediately raise the alarm to our leaders and other scouts.
  • We are charitable and share with others.
  • We make sure everyone feels included and that they belong in the Scouts.
  • We think of others before ourselves

Have fun

  • Join in activities and do my best.
  • Celebrate our achievements.
  • We have fun and enjoy ourselves.
  • We ask Del for badges.

Most importantly, to remember and keep the Cub Scout law and promise (see below)

Verbal Warnings. If a young person’s behaviour is considered to have fallen well below the ‘Group Code of Acceptable Behaviour’, a Leader will give him/her a verbal warning.

Yellow Cards. If a verbal warning is ignored, the young person will be issued a Yellow Card. The Parent(s) may also be contacted. As a minimum punishment, the young person will automatically sit out the next 10 minutes of any activity.

Red Cards. If the young person commits a second Yellow Card offence on the same night, he will receive a Red Card.  They will not be allowed to take any further part in that evening’s meeting. Parent(s) will be advised.

Suspension If a young person receives a Red Card, they will automatically be suspended from the next two meetings and will not be allowed to attend the next camp or outing